Boston Marathon

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Boston • Boston, Massachusetts, United States
2015  Sin Resultados Sin opiniones.
2014  Sin Resultados Sin opiniones.
2013  Sin Resultados Sin opiniones.
42k Maratón Completa.

Carrera de Calle Urbana, Individual.

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With the exclusion of the Olympics and various Championship races, the Boston Marathon is the only marathon in the USA that maintains qualifying times and requirements. While the specific requirements change from year to year, the requirements generally state that a runner must have completed a qualifying marathon within the year and a half before the upcoming Boston Marathon.
All participants must adhere to the guidelines set forth by the B.A.A., USA Track and Field or foreign equivalent, International Paralympic Committee, Wheelchair Sports, USA, Disabled Sports, USA, and the United States Association for Blind Athletes. Qualifying times must be met in competitions observing these same rules. Proof of qualification must accompany the application.

-For the 2014 Boston Marathon, qualifying times must be run on or after September 22, 2012
-The acceptance of official race entrants will be based on qualifying time, with the fastest qualifiers (in relation to their age and gender) being accepted first until the race is full
-All qualifying times are subject to review and verification
-All standards below are based on official submitted net time
-All standards below are equal to the 2013 Boston Marathon qualifying standards
-The qualifying times below are based upon each athlete's age on the date of the Boston Marathon in which they are participating

Age Men Women
18-34 3:05 3:35
35-39 3:10 3:40
40-44 3:15 3:45
45-49 3:25 3:55
50-54 3:30 4:00
55-59 3:40 4:10
60-64 3:55 4:25
65-69 4:10 4:40
70-74 4:25 4:55
75-79 4:40 5:10
80+ 4:55 5:25

Open (Classes 3 & 4)
18-39 2:00 2:25
40-49 2:15 2:40
50+ 2:30 2:55
Quad (Classes 1 & 2)
18-39 2:45 3:10
40-49 3:00 3:25
50-Over 3:15 3:40

The qualifying time is 5:00 hours for visually impaired athletes (men and women) classified T11, T12, and T13.

Individuals with permanent physical impairments that affect their ability to ambulate and would not otherwise qualify for entry in other divisions may be granted the following extended qualifying times:

The qualifying time is 6:00 hours for individuals who, because of the nature of their disability, have difficulty ambulating.

The qualifying time is 8:00 hours for individuals who, because of the nature of their disability, need mobility aids such as prosthetics, leg braces or crutches to ambulate.
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